

Page history last edited by jtw 15 years, 2 months ago


Please submit all assignments electronically and bring a paper copy to class, with receipt stapled to the back. Assignments cannot be accepted without a receipt.


Final Assignment - November 23 and 25

This week you will be reading a short story, and then composing an essay. This essay will count as your final, and will be worth 20 percent of your grade. The essay is due on your first day of class after Thanksgiving Break. I will announce here the story you're to read, on November 23th and 25th, respectively. There is no class on these two days. You will turn in the finished products on November 30th and December 2nd, respectively.


This essay will also require two marked-up drafts (with hand markup, meaning). Be sure to include, in the following order (and stapled):

  1. Receipt
  2. Final Essay
  3. Works Cited
  4. Drafts 1&2 (With hand markup)


Be sure to use MLA format. If the essay is missing any of the above, I will not accept it, and you will receive a 0 for the assignment. There is no late work accepted for this assignment. If you cannot make it, make arrangements ahead of time for someone to deliver your essay for you. No exceptions.


Monday's Class: Read "The Days of Muhammad Atta," on page 502 of your green book.

Wednesday's Class: Read "The Days of Muhammad Atta," on page 502 of your green book.




Assignment -November 9th and 11th

Read "The Rocking Horse Winner" and do the discussion questions (PDF). Finally, read chapters 7 and 8 of Lively (PDF). 



Assignment -November 2nd and 4th

Essay on "Soldier's Home" and read chapters 5 and 6 of Lively (download PDF). The essay must include: Essay, marked-up draft, Works Cited, and receipt. 


Note: As with "A Rose for Emily," be sure that the draft has hand-made markups that show your thought processes and editing.



Assignment - October 26th and 28th

Read "Soldier's Home" and do questions 1-11. Read chapters 5 & 7 from Hodges.



Assignment - October 19th and21st

"A Rose for Emily" essay. Remember to include a Works Cited for the essay: I will not accept it without one. In addition, you are to include an edited draft (with markup), stapled to the back of the final essay to show your work. This means that the essay turned in on the week of the 26th will have four parts: Essay, Works Cited, Marked-up Draft, and Receipt 


Assignment - October 12th and 14th

Read Chapter 4 in Harbrace, "Adjectives and Adverbs," and do Exercise 3. In addition, read "A Rose for Emily" and do the discussion questions (click to download).


Assignment - October 5th and 7th, 2009

Final paper due for "The Minister's Black Veil." Be sure and return your "Good Country People" essays for the grades to be recorded. If you have questions in the meantime, feel free to share them on Twitter.


Note:  OWL offers a visual breakdown of a sample MLA paper if you're more visually inclined, like myself. You can see it by clicking here. Please also remember that unlike the previous essay, this essay (and all future essays) is required to have a Works Cited. The Works Cited will only have one entry: the Bedford book. This is to get you in the habit of creating Works Cited pages.


Assignment - September 28 and Sept 30, 2009

Down with the flu, so there will be no class today, September 28 or Sept 30, 2009. Be sure and download and complete the discussion questions on Veil in lieu of class. Please check the Assignments page for assignments.


Assignment - September 21st and 23rd, 2009

Write a draft for your essay on "The Minister's Black Veil" and read the next two chapters in Hodges, but do not do any exercises. Be sure and bring three copies of your draft to class to share. There is no need to submit the draft to Blackboard at this time: you will only do that for the final paper.


Assignment - September 21st and 23rd, 2009

Read "The Minister's Black Veil" on page 334 of your green book, and read chapter 4 of Lively. Do all sections in Lively in chapter 4. Finally, go back to chapter 3 in Lively and do just the Assignment section.


If you have questions in the meantime, feel free to share them on Twitter.


Assignment - September 14th and 16th, 2009

Read the third chapter of The Lively Art of Writing (click for PDF), and compose a 750 word, MLA-formatted (remember, your syllabus has references for MLA) formal essay on the short story "Good Country People." You determine your own topic for this essay. Refer to chapters 1-3 of Lively for guidance on choosing/creating an appropriate topic and Thesis.


Updated in response to a question on Twitter.


Assignment - September 7th and 9th, 2009

Read the first two chapters of The Lively Art of Writing and do the Assignment section in each. In addition, read "Good Country People" on page 378 of your green text and come prepared to answer discussion questions.




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